AMPRI (Advanced Materials and Processes Research Institute), Bhopal CBRI (Central Building Research Institute), ROORKEE CCMB (Center for Cellular & Molecular Biology), HYEDRABAD CDRI (Center Drug Research Institute), LUCKNOW CECRI (Central Electrochemical Research Institute), KARAIKUDI CEERI (Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute), PILANI CFTRI (Central Food Technological Research Institute), MYSORE CGCRI (Central Glass & Ceramic Research Institute), KOLKATA CIMAP ( Central Institue of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants), LUCKNOW CIMFR (Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research), DHANBAD CLRI (Central Leather Research Institute), CHENNAI CMERI (Central mechanical Engineering Research Institute), DURGAPUR C-MMACS (Center for Mathematical Modelling & Computer Simulation), BANGALORE CRRI (Central Road Research Institute), NEW DELHI CSIO (Central Scientific Instruments Organisation), CHANDIGARH CSIR (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research), NEW DELHI CSIR-HRDC (Human Resource Development Centre), Ghaziabad CSIR-HRDG (Human Resource Development Group), NEW DELHI CSMCRI (Central Salt & Marine Chemicals Research Institute), BHAVNAGAR IGIB (Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology), DELHI IHBT (Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology), PALAMPUR IICB (Indian Institute of Chemical Biology), KOLKATA IICT (Indian Institute of Chemical Technology), HYDERABAD IIIM (Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine),Jammu IIP (Indian Institute of Petroleum), DEHRADUN IITR (Indian Institute of Toxicology Research), LUCKNOW IMMT (Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology), BHUBANESWAR IMT (Institute of Microbial Technology), CHANDIGARH NAL (National Aerospace Laboratory), BANGALORE NBRI (National Botanical Research Institute), LUCKNOW NCL (National Chemical Laboratory), PUNE NEERI (National Environmental Engineering Research Institute), NAGPUR NEIST (North - East Institute of Science and Technology), JORHAT NGRI (National Geophysical Research Institute), HYDERABAD NIO (National Institute of Oceanography), GOA NISCAIR (National Institute of Science Communication & Information Resources), NEW DELHI NIST (National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology), Thiruvananthapuram NISTADS (National Institute Of Science,Technology & Development Studies), NEW DELHI NML (National Metallurgical Laboratory), JAMSHEDPUR NPL (National Physical Laboratory), NEW DELHI SERC (Structural Engineering Research Center), CHENNAI UPDIP (Unit for Research and Development of Information Products), PUNE PSUs of DSIR i.e CEL, NRDC AcSIR DSIR